Manage your Contacts or make use of our huge Venue Database
Beautifuly listed on a map, with tons of handy filter options
​Search by genres, capacity, or festival period. Save all kinds of place-specific information, such as whether they have a PA system, a piano, or a big enough backstage.

All your Gigs and Projects in one Place
Sorted by pipeline Status or Calendar, shared with all your band-mates
Always see what is in the pipeline. Which gigs are won? Which gigs need to be contracted yet and which gig requests have not been answered yet or need a follow-up?
Mobile friendly and easy to use
Made by musicians for musicians
We have packed GigB with tons of more features, such as:
Smart Email Templates
Different permissions for band-leaders and band-members
Automated Gig Contracts
Quotes and Invoices
And much more!
All this, instantly ready to use on all your devices!

Forever free. Or forever cheap. Flexible to your Needs.